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I’m Fiefurie or Sofie (1994), a Tattoo Artist working at a little shop called ‘Les Petits Martyrs’ based in Mouvaux in France.


As a former student of graphical design, I love thinking outside the box, illustrated by my ‘not so realistic’  style. While I’m comfortable with most styles and types of work, I feel most at home creating things that are out of this world.


The most important part of my whole design process is interacting with clients. When they share their stories, it results in a custom drawing that captures and fits their personality. I hope that these moments, translated into tattoos, can help them grow and heal. I’ve found it to be truly beautiful and fulfilling to see how my tattoos can help my clients love (parts of) their bodies again.


Leaving a permanent mark on people is a challenging and serious undertaking. It humbles me that people put this much trust in me, and I enjoy every moment of it.




What a talented young woman! She's kind-hearted and fun to spend a tattoo session with! I am so grateful for all of the effort she put in my tattoo design. It is beyond, what a piece of art! Thank you, Sofie! You are one of a kind!

J'ai été conquise par ton univers et tes créations l'année dernière en convention. J'ai été touchée par ta personnalité, ta douceur et ton humilité. J'ai su tout de suite que mon prochain tatouage serait avec toi. Nous l'avons discuté, imaginé ensemble. J'ai attendu avec stress et impatience le jour J... Quand je suis arrivée toute la tension de l'attente est retombée, je me suis laissée portée par toi et toute l'équipe de la machine infernale présente. La séance a été si facile et pleine de bienveillance. Le résultat est magique et unique.

Merci infiniment, belle expérience, excellent moment... et un résultat qui me correspond, qui s'intègre à moi complètement et que nous avons partagés.

A bientôt pour de nouvelles aventures

Sofie is a very good artist! She's really professional and she makes you feel very comfortable!

Her work is outstanding and she's a really smooth tattooer!

I have multiple tattoos but only one from her.. It wont be the last one for sure!!


Thanks! :D


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